Public Notice – Air Quality Regulatory Measures that May Be Adopted or Amended in 2024

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Air Quality Regulatory Measures that May Be Adopted or Amended in 2024

State law (Health and Safety Code §40923) requires the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) to publish a list of rules and regulatory measures scheduled for consideration each year. These rules are proposed in order to implement state and federal mandates to reduce air pollution in Santa Barbara County. Before the adoption or amendment of any rule, the District publishes a notice in a local newspaper and holds a public hearing to accept comments from affected businesses and other interested parties.

The following rules are tentatively proposed to be adopted or amended in 2024:

Rule # Title
210 Fees
316 Storage and Transfer of Gasoline
1303 Part 70 Operating Permits – Permits


The following rules are tentatively proposed to incorporate administrative changes due to the reorganization of Rule 210:

Rule # Title
203 Transfers
211 Technical Reports – Charges For
213 Fees for Registration Programs
342 Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (5 MMBtu/hr and greater)
359 Flares and Thermal Oxidizers
361 Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (2 – 5 MMBtu/hr)
364 Refinery Fenceline and Community Air Monitoring
370 Potential To Emit – Limitations for Part 70 Sources
502 Filing Petitions
806 Emission Reduction Credits
1201 Registration of Agricultural Diesel Engines


The following rules are included in case adoption or amendment is needed during 2024:

Rule # Title
102 Definitions
201 Permits Required
202 Exemptions to Rule 201
312 Open Fires
321 Solvent Cleaning Machines and Solvent Cleaning
323.1 Architectural Coatings
341 Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
351 Surface Coating of Wood Products
358 Stationary Gas Turbines
401 Agricultural and Prescribed Burning
810 Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration
901 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
1002 Asbestos Removal, Renovation, and Demolition

If you would like to check on the status of a rule, please visit the District’s website at For more information, contact Tim Mitro at (805) 979-8329.