Notice of Two Public Scoping Workshops

To be published January 16, 2011

Amendments to Rule 330 (Surface Preparation and Coating of Metal Parts and Products) and
Rule 337 (Surface Preparation and Coating of Aircraft or Aerospace Vehicle Parts and Products)

Thursday, February 10, 2011, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
260 N. San Antonio Road, Suite A,
Santa Barbara, CA


 Amendments to Rule 349 (Polyester Resin Operations) and
Rule 353 (Adhesives and Sealants)

Thursday, February 10, 2011, 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
60 N. San Antonio Road, Suite A,
Santa Barbara, CA

The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (District) will hold two Scoping Workshops at the times and location listed above to accept comments on proposed revisions to Rules 330 (Surface Preparation and Coating of Metal Parts and Products), 337 (Surface Preparation and Coating of Aircraft or Aerospace Vehicle Parts and Products), 349 (Polyester Resin Operations), and 353 (Adhesives and Sealants).  The purposes of the Scoping Workshops are:

  1. to provide general information on pending rule amendments that will add solvent cleaning requirements to each of the rules, and
  2. to get input from the potentially affected industries on the new solvent cleaning requirements, including any industry specific concerns.

Sources and Activities Potentially Affected

Facilities that coat metal parts and products (not including operations subject to Rule 339, Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating Operations) and/or aircraft or aerospace vehicle parts and products.  Also affected are facilities that perform polyester resin (fiberglass) operations and/or that apply adhesives and/or sealants.

About the Proposed Rule Revisions

The proposed amended rules will include new solvent cleaning provisions.  Solvent cleaning includes any operations employing solvents for cleaning that are done outside of solvent cleaning machines (e.g., wipe cleaning).  Consistent with our Clean Air Plan commitments, the District envisions adopting new provisions that limit the solvent’s reactive organic compound (sometimes referred to as volatile organic compound, or VOC) content to 25 grams per liter.  Other solvent cleaning equipment and operating requirements provisions will also be proposed.  Some existing reactive organic compound limits for coatings, adhesives, sealants, and/or polyester materials may also need amending pursuant to California Air Resources Board and/or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements.

Since these are scoping workshops held at the beginning of a rule revision process, there are no draft documents available for review at this time.  To view the existing rules, see this page.  For more information on these Scoping Workshops, contact Douglas Grapple at 805.961.8883 or [email protected], or Rebecca Armstrong at 805.961.8888 or [email protected].

Published January 16, 2011

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