General Air Toxics Information
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- Technical Air Pollution Resources. Collection of USEPA resources with technical information about many areas of air pollution prevention, technology, regulation, measurement, and science.
- Health Effects Notebook for Hazardous Air Pollutants. Fact sheets and additional information on effects on human health of substances that are defined as hazardous by the 1990 amendments of the Clean Air Act.
- California Air Resources Board
- Airborne Toxics. General information on the state’s air toxics program and other state programs. Includes newly identified pollutants, control measures and other current activities.
- Air Toxics Tool. Processes and typical air toxics emitted from different industry sectors.
- Air Toxics Infographic. Definition of air toxics and factors for determining health risk from air toxics.
- Health Effects of Air Pollution. Introduction to health effects of air pollution and links to additional resources.
Technical Information on Health Effects and Risk
- Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. OEHHA is responsible for conducting health risk assessments of chemical contaminants in air and developing risk assessment guidance.
- OEHHA’s Guide to Understanding Health Risk Assessments. This document provides a basic explanation of risk assessment for laypeople involved in environmental health issues, including policymakers, businesspeople, members of community groups, news reporters, and others with an interest in the potential health effects of toxic chemicals.
Local Studies and Monitoring
- North Santa Barbara County Crystalline Silica Study. Results of a 1993 risk study for crystalline silica emissions in North Santa Barbara County.
- California Air Resources Board Pilot Monitoring Study of Crystalline Silica in Ambient Air in Lompoc, CA. Report on a 2001 pilot study conducted by CARB on ambient air monitoring for crystalline silica in Lompoc.
Air Toxics Presentations
- Air Toxics Program Overview. Provides a general overview of the Air Toxics Program at the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District.
- OEHHA’s Revisions to the Risk Assessment Guidance Manual. Summarizes the key changes to OEHHA’s Guidance Manual used for conducting health risk assessments.