- Closed Session
- Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Gov. Code § 54956.8)
- Property: Assessor’s Parcel Number 111-270-050.
- Address: 1011 West McCoy Lane, Santa Maria, CA 93455.
- Agency Negotiator: Air Pollution Control Officer Aeron Arlin Genet and Susan Freebourn, Real Property Agent II, County of Santa Barbara.
- Negotiating Party: Gina Gluyas, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Haven Properties.
- Under negotiation: price and terms.
- Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Gov. Code § 54956.8)
- Approval Of Minutes – Approve minutes of the May 20, 2021 meeting.
- Administrative Items – Approved by vote on one motion. These items read only on request of Board members.
- Notice of Violation Report – Receive and file the summary of notices of violation issued and penalty revenue received during the month of May 2021.
- District Grant and Incentives Program Activity – Receive and file the following grant program related activity:
- An update on the Old Car Buy Back Program for vehicles retired during the period of May 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021;
- An update on the Landscape Equipment Electrification Fund (LEEF) Program Year 2 for zero-emission landscape equipment vouchers during the period of November 16, 2020 through May 31, 2021; and
- Summary of the emission-reduction grant agreements approved by the Air Pollution Control Officer for the period of May 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021 in accordance with Board Resolution Number 09-14.
- Update on Public Outreach Activities – Receive and file an update on District outreach activities.
- Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget – Consider the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget as Follows:
- Hold a public hearing to consider and adopt the budget for Fiscal Year 2021-22, as presented in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Proposed Budget document;
- Adopt the following:
- Budget Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2021-22 District Budget; and
- Salary Resolution amending the Classification and Salary Plan to adjust the salary for all staff based on the collective bargaining agreements and the Management Personnel Benefits Resolution that are scheduled to be approved by your board on June 17, 2021.
- Ratify a Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions for the purchase of the property located at 1011 W. McCoy Lane in Santa Maria and in the improvements thereon – Consider recommendations as follows:
- Approve and ratify the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions (“Agreement”) between the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (“District”), as Buyer, and Evelyn Muscio Family Limited Partnership (“Owner”), as Seller, to purchase the property located at 1011 W. McCoy Lane in Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, known as Assessor Parcel Number 111-270-050 (the “Property”) and the improvements thereon, including a 5,967 square foot building, for a purchase price of $800,000;
- Authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer, or designee, subject to concurrence from District Counsel, to act on behalf of the District to complete the investigation of the Property and either approve the condition of the property or elect to terminate the Agreement as provided in Sections 1.e – 1.g of the Agreement;
- Authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer, or designee, subject to concurrence from District Counsel, to review compliance with the contingency described in Section 1.j and exercise the right to terminate if the contingency is not satisfied as described therein;
- Authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer, or designee, to execute any and all escrow documents and complete further due diligence required to facilitate the terms and conditions of the proposed acquisition;
- Authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer, or designee, to expend funds in a total amount not to exceed the purchase price of EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($800,000.00), plus title and escrow fees and any other costs required to facilitate the transaction pursuant to the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions;
- Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board, upon satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the Agreement as determined by the Air Pollution Control Officer with concurrence from District Counsel, to execute the attached Certificate of Acceptance consummating the purchase and accepting title to the Property, subject to Owner’s obligation to deliver property at close of escrow in vacant possession; and,
- Determine that the recommended actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 finding that the project consists of the repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing private structures involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use.
- Received Director’s Report
- Received Public Comment
- Clean Air Rooms Pilot Program – Adopt a Resolution authorizing the District to establish and implement the Clean Air Rooms Pilot Program. | Presentation |
- Overview of Voluntary Clean Air Grant and Incentives Program – Receive and file a presentation on the District’s clean air Grant and Incentive Program. | Presentation |