The District has transitioned to using the AdobeSign electronic signature cloud-based platform for the submittal of all Rule 505 breakdown requests and breakdown reports. Both the initial notification form ENF-48A and final reporting form ENF-48B are now required to be completed using the AdobeSign weblinks below.
An emissions source may request relief from enforcement action if a violation of rules and regulations is caused by a short-term breakdown. To be granted relief the source must demonstrate that the failure or malfunction qualifies for breakdown relief under the provisions of Rule 505.
A breakdown must meet all of the following criteria:
- It is not the result of neglect or disregard of any air pollution control law or rule or regulation;
- It is not the result of an intentional or negligent act or omission on the part of the owner or operator;
- It is not the result of improper maintenance;
- It does not constitute a nuisance as defined in Section 41700 of the Health and Safety Code;
- It is not a recurrent breakdown of the same equipment.
A source may only seek breakdown relief for up to 24 hours (or 96 hours for continuous monitoring equipment). If the breakdown condition lasts longer than 24 (or 96) hours, continued operation of the equipment may be subject to enforcement action.
Initial Breakdown Submittals
To claim breakdown relief and start the breakdown reporting process, submit the ENF-48A Initial Reporting Form to the District no later than 4 hours after the start of the next regular business day after the breakdown is detected using the AdobeSign Weblink below. Once the ENF-48A form is signed through the AdobeSign platform, it will automatically be submitted to the District. New users to the AdobeSign platform may be required to verify their email with AdobeSign after signature but before the submittal process occurs to ensure that the email used for signature is real and accessible. If so you will be notified by AdobeSign after signing, that email verification is required to complete the submittal. Be sure to complete the contact details in Section XI of the form to ensure the District can contact you if necessary.
Upon submitting the initial reporting form ENF-48A, you will automatically receive a copy of the submittal to keep for your records from the AdobeSign email group [email protected]. In the event you do not receive this email, check your spam folder or firewall to ensure the emails from [email protected] are not being blocked.
Final Breakdown Report Submittals
Once the District accepts the ENF-48A form, you will receive a separate emailed link to complete the ENF-48B final reporting form, which will include the breakdown ID prefilled into the form as well as the facility name and facility ID.
Complete and sign the ENF-48B final reporting form within one week after the breakdown has been corrected. Attach any pictures, emission calculations, report extension approval correspondence, and any records of the most recent inspection and/or maintenance to the file attachment links in Section X of ENF-48B.
Upon submitting the final reporting form ENF-48B, you will automatically receive a copy of the submittal to keep for your records from the email group [email protected]. The District will contact you if we have any additional questions or if the breakdown is denied.
Submitting a breakdown notification does not guarantee relief from enforcement action. The District will investigate breakdown notifications and may take enforcement action if the occurrence does not constitute a breakdown condition.
Submitting a willfully false breakdown notification, or claiming a breakdown without probable cause, is a separate violation of District Rules and Regulations.
For more information or to report issues encountered with the AdobeSign Breakdown submittal process, contact (805) 979-8050 or email [email protected].
In the event that you are having issues with submitting the Breakdown Notification or Report through the AdobeSign platform, the District will still accept completed PDF copies of these forms linked below which can be emailed to [email protected].
For more information or to submit a breakdown notification call (805) 979-8050 or email [email protected].