Enterprise Systems Catalog
Senate Bill 272 (October 11, 2015) adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a Catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016. The catalog must be available to the public upon request, posted on the agency’s website and updated annually.
View SBCAPCD Enterprise Systems Catalog
What is an Enterprise System?
An Enterprise system is a software application or computer system that collects, stores, exchanges and analyzes information that the agency uses that is both of the following:
- A multi-departmental system or a system that contains information collected about the public
- A system that serves as an original source of data within an agency
What Must be included in the Catalog?
The Enterprise Systems Catalog must include:
- Current system vendor
- Current system product
- System’s purpose
- A description of categories or types of data
- The department that is the prime custodian of the data
- The frequency that system data is collected
- The frequency that system data is updated
Why Should this Information be Public?
With a public sector committed to success in the digital age, the residents and businesses of California stand to benefit from greater collaboration and integration, improved accountability, and increased productivity.